And that was the day. Some personal news I waited for came and wasn't what I hoped. An hour later I found out that the the job I applied for won't be mine. Was I going to wait to see if bad things come in threes? All of a sudden, answering the phone and checking e-mails isn't as splendid as it was yesterday. All of this to say, my resolve to work on my plays was strengthened. It is within my control. My sudden need for the easiest food in the world - could be granted. It is my choice. And given the sunny, spring day that did not match my mood, I went with cool food. Egg salad and a smoothie.

When I am in the mood for egg salad, nothing else will do. When the kids were young, they would often wake up to egg salad on Easter morning. Their eggs that had been colored a week ago - were missing. I would tell them the Easter Bunny got hungry and made egg salad.
The egg salad is simple, done to taste and contains:
hard boiled eggs,
chopped green olives with pimento,
and dill weed. Fresh dill is nice but dry will do in a pinch. Salt and pepper to taste and done.
Then, I stared into my freezer and came up with:
Pomegranate-Berry Smoothie (Inspired by other blogs and I cannot find their recipes!)

Into the blender went: 6 oz, Pomegranate juice, 10 oz. frozen mixed berries, and a pint of aging fresh strawberries.
My daughter tasted the summer in it and was happy. I liked the colors, the ease, and the sense that even "blighted star days" can bring pleasure.

Concocting Easter-bunny salad. Drinking summer. It's good for what ails you.
I'm sorry about the job! The egg salad sounds great with dill in it. I agree with your daughter about the smoothie-summer in a glass.
I am with you on the egg salad. I like mine plain and simple--just mayo, dill and chopped egg...with salt and pepper. It's the only time I like plain old white bread, toasted...with a tiny spread of real butter.
hah! i love that you call egg salad easter bunny salad. looks yummy, no matter what the name ;)
Sorry to hear about your news, how disappointing. That smoothie looks great, I've been really into smoothies lately.
Nothing is better than a simple egg salad sandwich!! The smoothie looks delicious and refreshing! I am sending you good thoughts and hugsXXOO
Claudia, definitely tough news. Hang in there!
I'm so sorry about the job. The egg salad sounds delicious and love the smoothie!
sorry about the job also, and having gestational diabetes can be tough I worked with ladies with it a lot as a dietitian, I love egg salad, esp with cress common back home in the UK Rebecca
I am sorry you weren't having the best day. The egg salad sounds wonderful - I've never thought of adding green olives to it, what a terrific idea. The smoothie also looks really tasty.
Thank you for the fantastic recipe. I wish I had more recipes I can experiment with acai juice because I happen to be a huge fan of acai juice.
Sorry about the sad day. There must be something better planned for you then. Trust that :)
I'm so sorry you did not manage to get the job, but perhaps better things are in store for you!
hopefully the lovely egg salad cheered you up! somtimes, plain and simple is just plain comforting!
:( I'm sorry to hear about the bad news. Isn't it great that we know we are in control of a few things, though! Smile and remember everything happens for a reason...even if we don't know what that is right away :)
i missed the first part of this post... i am so sorry about your job. i've definitely experienced that disappointment before. but i'm sure you'll find a job that will make you happy, and soon! i'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!
Some days can try our patience...and some things aren't meant to at those times it's best to focus on good friends and good food...just like you did! :)
I'm sorry you didn't get the job you wanted. I'm hoping something better is in store for you real soon.
The egg salad seesm like the perfect answer along with the fantastic smoothie you made. Forget finding the other recipes you've seen, this one looks more pure and perfect.
first of all, that's a terrific way to use strawberries that're losing their luster. and although i'm anti-mayonnaise, i have to say that your egg salad looks extremely appetizing. :)
I am sorry to hear you missed out on the job ... hugs to you.
Easter bunny eggs usually became deviled eggs in our home on Easter Sunday ... :)
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