None of this involved sugar and all of this was terribly sweet. I have been hard at work making deadline and leave for Ireland in the morning. I am one excited, nervous Nellie! And if my husband asks me one more time if I've packed the passport ... well ... never mind. This blog is about the sweetness.
I received this lovely e-mail from Foodie With a Little Thyme asking me for my address. While vacationing she found a program that a small children's theatre had or school had done with my name on it! Yep - it was my play (my old play, Little Red: Life in the Hood!). She offered to send me the program which I thought was generous. As it turns out, she was exceedingly generous! She sent the program tucked inside this:

In honor of the award, I am supposed to name seven people to turn it over to. The rules are simple: post the award, link to the blog and thank the person who gave it to you, and pay it forward to seven more people. Leave a comment on the blogs letting them know you have something for them! And then.... mention seven random things about yourself.
Oh dear.
1. I ... am a die hard New Yorker who never expected to live in "flyover country" but has happily made her home here in Minnesota for over 20 years.
2. I'm a manic reader. Really, I bring books home in grocery bags so no one knows I bought another book.
3. I don't have a favorite meal, favorite fruit, favorite color, favorite author, favorite music, favorite country, favorite state... well you get the picture.
4. When I work a lot of jobs, I space out and don't notice things. Like the giant Christmas tree set up in the middle of my living room as a surprise. ( I did finally smell the pine)
5. I lived in a 5th floor walk-up with a bathtub in the kitchen in Greenwich Village during my actress days and loved every minute of it.
6. When it was too late, I wished I had been a ballerina. Even though I didn't have the feet, the neck, the balance, the gait. I remain a loyal balletomane. Still enchanted by NYC Ballet and Ballanchine and Robbins.
7. I am going to Ireland tomorrow without my computer and will have withdrawal.
I would like to pass this on to: Foodie With a Little Thyme (for generosity of spirit and recipes), Bunny's Warm Oven (try the strawberry-white chocolate tiramisu!), Unconfidential Cook (she made chocolate torrone! And her cooking lessons with her daughter are so special), Capricious in Cleveland (check out her rooftop garden and her commitment to growing and buying local), Figtree Appetizers (never did small bites look so good; my gazpacho in cucumber cups was from her), I Love Flavor Me who in addition to dishing up some wondrous recipes (chicken gougons!), she has some grand stories to go with them and to Katy at Food For a Hungry Soul for the sweetest of comments and chocolate crepes! If I wasn't going on vacation, I'd simply pass this to every blogger on my list because of all of your delectables and generosity. But I have to finish packing. Oh and tell my husband for the 100th time that I do have my passport (now, where is it?)
And (I'm getting to the pork chop with blue cheese sauce, I promise) Wanda from Moments of Mine gave me this. So pretty and special. Thank-you, Wanda! I try to start my days with Wanda. Then I know I am off to a good start!
I would like to pass this on to Pat at Mille Fiori Favoriti. Her photographs, tales of NYC, her family, travels, and special insight to small crevices of my beloved city never fail to charm and make me wax nostalgic for the Big Apple. Even if you have no ties to NYC, you will appreciate what she shows you. Let her be your tour guide. You will not be disappointed.
And lastly from my son: a home-cooked meal, home-cooked not by me!
And lastly from my son: a home-cooked meal, home-cooked not by me!
Pork Chops with Blue Cheese Sauce

His roommate made it last winter and Matthew thought it scrumptious. It was to become my Mother's Day Present. And what a fine one it was! And a bonus? He didn't have to shop! All the ingredients were found in Mom's kitchen. Works well for a graduate student. Meanwhile, have a grand August week. The summer bounty is here! And I shall be dancing with the faeries and leprechauns in Ireland. Talk to you in a week.
Wow, thank you so much for passing along the award to me! What an honor! What a nice ending to a long day...
What a great meal for a grear mom! Have fun on your trip..can't wait to hear about it!
Have a wonderful trip!
How nice of your son!! Looks like he did a great job!! Congrats on your award .. you deserve it. I loved learning all those tidbits about you!
Congrats on your award! Have a wonderful time in Ireland! I can't wait to hear all about your adventures and see your pictures!
Oh my..you are sooo sweet. Im very new to the blogging world so I REALLY appreciate your kindness. Im impressed you took the time to carve out those cucumber cups..they look great by the way! Safe travels. My sons toast me a waffle on Mothers day, I look forward to when they advance to pork chops with blue cheese sauce..YUM. Much thanks..Figtreeapps
Thanks Claudia ... and have an awesome time in Ireland, trust me you will not miss the puter at all.
Kiss the blarney stone for me!
Thank you for your kind words. Love that your son is cooking for you. I know you must be very proud that he likes to cook too.
Have a wonderful and SAFE trip.
Oh you lucky lady to be on your way to Ireland!
Thank you for the kind words Claudia, you made my day!
Your son seems to take after his talented mom in the kitchen. What a lovely and yuummy meal!
Claudia, you make me well up with tears. How very very dear you are to have such generous words to say to me. Thank you!
I so admire your energy and your commitment to making the arts live for children. Your writing style makes me feel as if I am with you, and of course your food, I am at your table, waiting in (barely) polite anticipate for that first tasty morsel.
I have great fondness and appreciate for all the bloggers who have chosen to follow my blog and also for those blogs I follow. Each one of you is dear and important to me, and each of you delights my heart.
It is not in me to choose one over another to pass an award to, so I decided not to participate in the awards activities.
Claudia, you have gladdened my heart and made me smile from the inside out. Thank you!
And wouldn't I just LOVE to go to Ireland. Some day I think I may want to retire there.
congrats on your well-deserved awards. That dinner looks really good! Your son must take after you. I'm sorry I'm too late to wish you a wonderful, safe trip! I can't wait to hear all about it!
How great that your son can cook! Have a nice trip and come back safely.
First Happy Belated Birthday! I'm glad you enjoyed the Tiramisu, it's one of my favorites. I love bleu cheese and this recipe sounds delicious!! Have a wonderful and safe trip!!
Congratulations on your award and have a great trip!
Have a safe trip, Claudia! I'm sure the beauty of Ireland will inspire many a recipe and many a play. And what a sweet post that was.
Thanks for this post. I love all the tiny tidbits you pass along to us. Have fun traveling.
And did you pack your passports? Have a great trip!!!
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