"throwing up words on paper."
Not appetizing and not worthy of being in a play. As I work on my middle school play commission, I delete more than I write. I tell myself that this:


These darling cucumber cups with gazpacho were found at: Figtree Appetizers. (Program note: She has a cast of small bites to please even the most discriminating audiences.)
And a pluot -
And a pluot -

can become jam. (If it wishes really hard.)

How pretty is that? And easy. Ease is important because although I wait for the muse, my mind races and clicks. My brain has trapdoors, clacks, mazes and swings. As I cook, I concoct - in the mind and at the cutting board.
It's a quick, savory jam (rosemary, vinegar) that tops a shmear of goat cheese on a crostini. Creamy, tart, sweet and savory, it is a must for someone who cannot make up her mind. All in a few bites. It looks like A Midsummer Night's Dream, tastes exactly As You Like It and certainly sings a welcoming overture.
(Makes about 1 cup)
3/4 pound pluots (3-5 depending on size) (Pitted and diced; no need to peel)
3 T honey
4 T (or more, I did more) balsamic vinegar
1 T (or more, I did more) fresh lemon juice
2 t finely grated lemon peel
1/2 t freshly minced rosemary (Okay, I did a good 2-3 t; love rosemary!)
1/8 t coarse kosher salt
Pinch of black pepper
2 T chopped fresh chives
Place pluots, honey, vinegar lemon juice, lemon peel, rosemary, salt and pepper in sauce pan. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring. Reduce heat to medium low and simmer until fruit breaks down and mixture is thick, stirring occasionally. I was able to write a good two pages (which I deleted) in that time! Cook about 20 minutes. Cool. Adjust seasonings; add chives. Serve on toasted bread topped with goat cheese. Sing.
Bon Appetit July 2009 has quite a few wonderful pluot recipes (a pluot is a plum and an apricot - so you know its good). I'm currently eyeing the pluot pinwheel tart... Now, on to dinner:
SWORDFISH WITH CUCUMBER-LIME RELISH (From Gourmet; recipe makes one serving)
Easy, fresh, looks like July, tastes like summer should. And yes, I did go overboard with the salsa topping! There's a fish peeking through ... somewhere. As elusive on the plate as in the water!