Monday, March 14, 2016

Chicken Spinach Lasagna Roll-Ups

One year ago, I posted a lasagna roll up recipe with spinach, ricotta and tomato sauce. They were a hit - mainly because it is super-easy to exercise portion control and very easy to serve. Last December, I saw a similar recipe with alfredo sauce and loved the looks of it. But of course, when I went back to find it - all I could find were fillings that contained cream cheese, ricotta, mozzarella and parmesan. And I thought: "Mama-Mia! - that's a lot of cheese!" If you weren't lactose intolerant before the meal, you might be afterwards.

This is rich - but it won't send you into a coma. It's filled with chicken, spinach, mozzarella and parmesan. Plus - you can devise the amount in the filling to suit you. I've seen some with broccoli, others with just cheese. You just can't mess this up. I made this early in the day, refrigerated it and popped it in the oven when the guests arrived. It's a nifty, 30-minute coking time.

Ingredients - serves 6-8 depending on appetites (the three females at the table had a serving size of one; the three males took 2-3)

2 cups your favorite alfredo sauce
15 lasagna noodles
2 cups cooked chicken
1 10 oz package frozen spinach - well drained (of course, you can use fresh spinach)
1-1/2 - 2 cups shredded mozzarella
1/4 cup Parmesan
Italian seasoning (or fresh Italian parsley)
A little garlic is nice

I didn't over stuff-them. Just adjust the filling amount to what works for you.

Get out all the moisture in the frozen spinach. (I drained over night.)
Cook lasagna noodles. Drain on paper towels.
Mix cooked chicken, spinach and cheeses in a bowl. Season to taste. I just used some Italian seasoning and pepper.
Thinly spread some alfredo sauce in the bottom of your lasagna pan.
Thinly spread about 1 tablespoon of the alfredo sauce on the drained noodles. Add about 3 tablespoons of the filling and spread thinly. Roll up the lasagna noodles and place seam-side down in the pan. Repeat. And repeat. Dollup each roll-up with 1 tablespoon of the alfredo sauce.

When you are ready to cook them, preheat oven to 350 degrees F and bake for thirty minutes. Serve. Tada!

I needed two pans.

I has leftovers. Everyone rejoiced and took some home.

We've had a mild winter. I walked most of the winter. I also gained weight. (I think the two cookbooks: French Comfort Food and Winter Cabin Cooking had something to do with it. I meant to post the recipes all winter (very good). Winter Cabin Cooking is also too pretty - makes you fall in love with winter. So as I look at my jeans that I do not fit into, I am reminded how comforted I was this winter!

We barely need the fireplace. March has been warmer than usual. But Matthew's cat is here now and Puck loves it so it goes on for a bit.

And the three cats are mostly getting along.

The theatre work (the stuff I am supposed to be doing when I am not cooking) has gone well. I am flying to Salt Lake City in April to develop a youth play about the first female paleontologist, Mary Anning. Then, I go to Chicago to develop my arctic-physics play Bound by Stardust. Then I come home for a day and do laundry and then go to Independence, Kansas for my one act play about climate change. I had to laugh - I finally get into some places that I have targeted for years - and all happens in April. So, April won't be the cruelest month. Just a busy one.


Unknown said...

What a great idea ! and definitely delicious! inspire much !!! Congratulations for the recipe delicous !
ps . Cats are beautiful !!! :-D ( Translated by google )

Angie's Recipes said...

I love that filling! I wonder if it would work with zucchini know, sometimes I just need to cut down some carbs :-!

Mary Bergfeld said...

These are definitely worth a trip to the kitchen!

Velva said...

Claudia, the lasagna rolls look lovely. I suffer from not being able to exercise portion control too. :-)

You have a lot of good things happening. Looking forward to following the journey


Kitchen Riffs said...

It's become harder and harder NOT to gain weight in winter. For me, at least. Used to never be a problem -- one of the downsides of getting old, I guess. Anyway, portion control is a good thing, so this recipe is brilliant. Always love seeing kitty pictures!

We Are Not Martha said...

Such wonderful things you have coming up! And this meal looks like the perfect one. I might not be able to exercise portion control, though :)


Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

I love these individual lasagnas. As much as I love lasagna, I can't seem to eat very much and this solves my problem beautifully. Sounds like you've been busy but productive this winter. Glad everything is going well and the kitties are getting along.

Whats Cookin Italian Style Cuisine said...

this filling is divine and love love love the fur babies!

Ciao Chow Linda said...

Well we both had lasagna rolls on the mind. I made 60 for a party the other day, using the traditional red sauce ones. But I love the idea of these too and will have to try them another time (after I polish off all the leftovers from he party). Brava to you on your professional successes too - and keep posting photos of the cats - good to know they're getting along now.

Agenda di Nico said...

Golose le tue lasagne roll-up. Complimenti!

Sue/the view from great island said...

Lasagna roll ups have been on my to-do list for years, they just seem like such a brilliant idea --- love your lightened up but still decadent version!

Frank said...

Although the Italian in me is (slightly) scandalized by the chicken and pasta combo, I have to admit these look really yummy! And rich yes, but in my book, that's a good thing.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Claudia, I am so remiss visiting your blog, I'm glad Linda pointed me this way today. Your chicken lasagna roll ups look fabulous! A very nice variation on the usual and a Mal in of itself. Congratulations on your successful plays and enjoy your travels in April. When are you going to put on a production here in the Denver area so you can visit me? ;)

Katerina said...

What a great idea and how delicious they look!

Stan and Jody Gabara said...

The Chicken Spinach Lasagna Roll-Ups look amazing! Thanks for sharing this delicious recipe!

Anna said...

Wow! It looks nice and delicious. I love this food! I will try to do it for my family. Thanks! Healthoop

Unknown said...

Mmmm, I haven't popped over for so long but I see nothing has changed. A wonderful recipe! I will be trying it soon.

Karen (Back Road Journal) said...

This is a delicious rollup recipe…much lighter and tastier that the ones with all cheese. I hope all your April traveling was successful.

Roz said...

I've yet to make lasagna roll ups! I like this filling a lot, Claudia. Wow, you certainly are one busy traveling woman -- and yet you still manage to get a delicious meal on the table for your family!