Wednesday, July 3, 2013


I always think my anniversary is May 25th. The wedding was May 24th but that was the dice throw - not the destination. Everyday would begin May 25th. And the destination was life.

It was "everyday" with Paul that I craved. The errands, the cleaning, the planning, the joining, the yearning and the growing.

It isn't everyday that the azaleas are in bloom - but it's part of an everyday.

Everyday is writing or avoiding writing (rubbing cat tummies and deciding where I'd go in my time machine - I have a stellar talent for avoidance.)

It's something like this tilapia  (fish roll-up stuffed with shredded carrots) from Proud Italian Cook.

It's a simple fish roll-up. The fish is spread with pesto and then dimpled with shredded carrots. Add a little bread crumb topping, put in oven and the heat works it magic - and dinner is grand. Find Marie's recipe here.

The rhubarb is up and in Minnesota you learn to love rhubarb - because it's the first thing to make an appearance. It's even abundant along the highways. (Highways! Come on, that's everyday.)   

And because my daughter knows her mother, I am in possession of a lovely book Edible Twin Cities. Paul has already made the requisite strawberry rhubarb pie and there will be many more of those pies during the summer. But I was attracted to this - because it was a wee bit different - a rhubarb meringue pie. It's an old family recipe from the President of the St. Paul's Farmer's Market. The St. Paul Farmer's Market is a true local, farmers market. Everything must be local. Everything. You cannot get early Iowa corn - you must wait for Minnesota (and some of Wisconsin). Unlike the Minneapolis Farmer's Market where you can get bananas and citrus fruit - you cannot get that in the St, Paul market - it must grow within a certain radius of the cities or is ineligible.

The sweet meringue is a perfect foil the rhubarb. Dig down and the sweet tart taste is a wake-up call. And when it's enveloped in all that lovely meringue, it's welcome.

It's not remotely Italian of course. Let's just say it's in the spirit of the Italian tradition: fresh, local, garden-to-table. My grandfather Egidio who was an avid gardener would understand.

Everyday is Luce.

Lately everyday has been turkeys in the yard ... and ducks.

And lately - a fox! (Better watch out duckies!)

And now every day is this:

Part of the MN Fringe Festival. My everydays are better when focused on a show. The website info is here. And after last year's show about coping with grief, a zany, pasta show is in order! (And for chronic readers, an excerpt is here.)

There was another interview: "I Interview Playwrights."  (That would be me.)

And another showcase. Tease.

And - a lot of thinking. About the blog. I am at a loss without google reader and know there are other avenues to explore. But no time to go exploring. Everyday. It's crammed. It's sweet. The La Dolce Vita fairy has visited me. But it's packed.

And I am thinking about my focus with the blog - unlike with a play - do I even have a focus? I have no money/book deal/food writer aspirations. I don't want that. I love my work. And I do want that. For me, this has always been about community. But I think and ponder and obsess. "To blog or not to blog, that is the question?" But I'm not Hamlet and I'm not asking the audience. I'm everyday-Claudia and every-day Claudia needs to focus.  

And rub cat tummies.


Whats Cookin Italian Style Cuisine said...

What a gorgeous photo of you both..a great story and inspiration for all ...happy anniversary and many

chow and chatter said...

keep blogging just for me ha no follow your heart love ya

Anonymous said...

Brilliantly written as always Claudia. I totally empathise with your feelings. I too have 'everydays' and have taken a step back from my blog. I do hope you can keep blogging in your 'everyday', not just because of the pies and the plays but also because of the memories, the cats tummies and simply because I would miss you too much x


Hi. Claudia, I'm glad I'm back in a very apt time...with your post. We hve so many parallelisms od everydays...but first happy anniversary (we too celebrated our 25th anniversary and that was a great excuse for not bloging for almost a month right) then the question of to blog is not to blog is my evverydays too. What really makes me blog?
But I hope you stay because I love coming here... to read your posts and to know that I am not alone in all these
Happy 4th.

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

Happy anniversary. Love your wedding photo. I enjoyed your post very much. Marriage is all about life and where it will take you. Hope you have many more happy years.

Ciao Chow Linda said...

As always, you have written with heart. I wish I lived close enough to see one of your plays. I'm sure they're all wonderful, given the quality of the writing on the blog. Do continue with it - so many of us look forward to your words - and recipes. Rhubarb meringue pie? Maybe not Italian, but no matter - delicious just the same. And Happy belated anniversary. You looked so happy and beautiful in that photo.

Beth said...

I hope you keep blogging - I'd miss you if you stopped! Congratulations on your new play. And I wish you'd photographed the inside of your pie. It sounds amazing!

Kristen said...

What a beautiful way to look at marriage...I love the everydays, too. You have such a wonderful way with words, and for those of us not lucky enough to see your plays, your blog is a refreshing place to visit. I do hope you continue, though the lure of those kitty tummies is strong.

Bloglovin' has been a great alternative to Google that has actually allowed me to keep up with blogs for the first time in ages.

Angie's Recipes said...

I love your everyday life, simple yet grand. Happy Anniversary!
The rhubarb tart with meringue topping looks gorgeous.
Meow Luce, and keep purring....

Kitchen Riffs said...

It's the every day stuff that's most important in life. Listen to Luce - kitties know these things. (And knows you need to blog just to share kitty pictures!) Hope you keep on blogging because you do good stuff, but that's a decision you need to make. Great look pie - I've love a piece. And congrats on the play. Happy Anniversary!

Proud Italian Cook said...

Don't leave us Claudia, I love your words and thoughts on life, love and food. Take a break, re-group and come back!!! I wish I could see your plays too!


That Girl said...

What beautiful azaleas.

This is the third post of its kind of read today. Is there something in the air affecting bloggers? If you need time away, take it, but when you come back, we'll be here.

Baking Diary said...

Looks like you have your plate filled to the brim! I envy you your journey, love your photos and your stories:)

Kim said...

Hope you had a wonderful wedding anniversary. I loved the wedding photo! I must say a rhubarb meringue pie sounds really appealing to me.

I think those of us that have been blogging for a few years fall into a rut at times. I've thought about taking a break or stopping altogether, but then I just keep on. I think I'm afraid to quit. All we can do is follow our heart.

Hope you are having a great summer!

Mary Bergfeld said...

Congratulations on your newest "baby", Claudia. I loved your view of everyday and your wedding photo was a treat. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Velva said...

Cheers to enjoying life everyday!


Monet said...

Goodness...what a great post. Full of many "life truths" and many wonderful things to celebrate. Thank you for sharing...and thank you for your kind words on my blog! I'm glad to be back to visit my favorites :-)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Happy belated anniversary, Claudia! I;m sorry I'm late with my best wishes-- I have not been visiting many blogs lately, as baby granddaughter keeps me very busy during the day. At best i get to visit facebook and e-mails on my phone. I still manage to blog --mainly at midnight if I can keep my eyes open. Congratulations on your play! I have been following that happy news on FB. Busy is good -- it is real life as you said. I do hope you continue to blog -- do it in a no pressure way!

Frank said...

I am afraid that you answered your own question in the negative, Claudia. As I was reading over my usual blogs this morning, I started to wonder "What even happened to Claudia?" And now it seems that I have my rather sad answer...

Hope all is well. I've found my Google Reader substitute in Feedly, by the way. It's fantastic—if you ever want to return to the world of blogging, even if only as a spectator.

Mari Nuñez said...

Hi Claudia, this post is full of so much wonderful things. I do miss reading ya. Yes, google reader is missed so much, I have tried feedly but it is not the same. I think I'll venture off to bloglovin, at least you get an email update there. Happy belated Anniversary, and cheers to many more. Bella Cinderella looks like a great one, congrats.

I always enjoy looking at your pins and repin many of them. Hope to keep in touch.


Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

A lovely picture of your both! This pie looks really tempting.

