Sunday, July 29, 2012

Thank-you! I appreciate you.

I want to thank you all for kind messages of support and sweetness regarding the passing of my mom. They were - are - very appreciated. I will be filling the pasta bowl again and resume visiting you around Labor Day. My sister and I have much to do before her memorial gathering at the end of August. 

Not a lot of cooking is going on. Last week one of my dinners consisted of two brownies. Two days ago, I had a pound of grapes for dinner. Macaroni and tuna salad sits in the fridge for those who need to grab and go. I am considering two ears of corn for dinner tonight. It is mighty fine, just-picked Minnesota sweet corn. I am looking forward to that.

In true "life goes on and so does the show" -  my eves are devoted to Under the Midsummer Moon at the Minnesota Fringe Festival August 2-12.  165 different productions in 15 theatres.  We open Thursday, August 2 and it has been a joyful distraction to be working with my amazing staff and cast on this labor of love. 

I need tissues at rehearsals - and I wonder why - I know what is happening! I wrote it! But the young performers have shown such grace and commitment - that I am transported every eve into their world.

See you in September...


Barbara F. said...

Claudia, I did not know you were a playwright! How wonderful to have so many performances. I hope you're feeling better and your heart is healing. Your mom will always be around you, not to worry. xo

Anna C said...

Claudia, I am so sorry to hear of your mother's passing, my deepest sympathy to you and your family.

Whats Cookin Italian Style Cuisine said...

No need for thanks wish there was more than words that can express the feelings of loss... i know so well and nothing can change even in time that void... my hard felt feelings.. keep the memory going,.. thats what we do... xo

Ellen B Cookery said...

Stay well and take care. AND please eat better.

AmyLiz said...

So very sorry to hear of your mother's passing. Prayers for you and your family during this difficult time.

Your play is being performed at Brave New Workshop? A friend of mine that I went to school with a million years ago works there. Katy McEwan...maybe you know her? Her husband works there too, Caleb.

Break a leg re: your production!

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

Stay well and take care Claudia. Our sympathies go out to you and your family. We know how you feel and you'll be in our thoughts and prayers. Take all the time you need and don't even give us a second thought. We're here when you come back.

Many hugs.

Ciao Chow Linda said...

I wish I were there to make dinner for you and your family - and attend that play. I'm sure there are tears at the performances - so much emotion going on right now. Just take it easy on yourself and give it time. Hugs - Linda

Unknown said...

How did I miss that your mom passed away? I am so, so sorry!

The play looks amazing. I need to pass the information along to my sister and see if she'd be interested in going.

I'll miss you during your time off but totally understand the need.

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

It is very special to have such wonderful memories of your mom to guide you through life. My heart goes out to you and your family Claudia. Also, the play sounds wonderful, the perfect way to spend an afternoon or evening.

Baking Diary said...

My heartfelt condolence to you and your family on the passing of your beloved mother Claudia...take care.

Mary Bergfeld said...

I am so sorry for your loss, Claudia. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs and blessings...Mary

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Losses are never easy, especially when the people who pass away are that close to us...

Once again, please accept my heartfelt condolences!



Cucina49 said...

How very exciting about your show! I am thinking good thoughts that it will go well. When I'm in rehearsals, my dinners consist mostly of protein bars and fruit, so I understand about the wacky eating.

Balvinder said...

Claudia, No need to thank, I wish I could be of any help by sending a hot meal or sandwiches. But I am sure you will come out of this and aI didn't know that you write plays. That keeps you busy hnh

Kitchen Riffs said...

It must be magical to watch something you wrote be transformed into reality on stage. I'll bet it's incredibly satisfying. Congrats. And corn is on our menu tonight, too!

Anonymous said...

Claudia I am so sorry about your mum. I haven't been very well over the last month and I must have missed it somehow. My thoughts are with you as always x

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the play! We will be waiting when you get back, my dear friend! :)



awww i wish i could go watch it... for sure I will have a bouquet of flowers for you at the end of the show.
take care... and good luck. let those tears flow, they are definitely tears of joy!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I know how difficult it is now for you and your family, Claudia! You must be experiencing moments of tears and heartfelt sadness mingled with happy memories of your Mom.

I'm glad you have your current production to fill your days with joy and productivity. I hope your play is a rousing success!

Roz | La Bella Vita Cucina said...

Take care of yourself Claudia. I'll continue to keep you in my daily thoughts and prayers. Take time to heal and do whatever it is that you need to do to do so. Until your return,

Hugs and baci bella amica,


Myfrenchkitchen said...

I am late to offer my very sorry to hear about your mom's passing..may time be kind to you all.

Anonymous said...

I am truly sorry for the loss of your words can convey what I am feeling..sending prayers and love your way, love your blog, take all the time you need. Amazing that you are doing a play..amazing, may God grant you and yours love and peace..ciao

Frank said...

Best wishes and godspeed at this difficult time.

Catherine said...

Dear Claudia, I look forward to your return.
Please keep up your health and eat!
Blessings dearest. Catherine xo

Mireya @MyHealthyEatingHabits said...


I was just checking in with you and saw the news about your mother. I'm sorry for your loss.

Purabi Naha said...

Very sorry to hear about your mom...but life has to go are such a great blogger and multitalented...hats off!

Gloria Baker said...

Claudia Im so sorry heard about your Mom passing my toughts are with you Claudia!

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake said...

Oh, your play will be phenomenal! I love the must be thrilled. Take care, my friend...we'll all be waiting for you when you get back to blogging. xo

Anonymous said...

I've been following the updates on the play on facebook and am really excited for you. To say it's a difficult time for you at the moment is underestamating but I just know the play will be a huge success and never mind the cooking. As much as I really really enjoy your recipes, the reason I keep coming back to your blog is You x

Beth said...

Claudia, I am so sorry that I missed your post about the death of your mother, and then this post. I was thinking you were taking the summer off blogging, and came back today, hoping that you'd started writing again. I am really sorry for your loss. It sounds like she was a wonderful woman and an important part of your life. Take care, and I hope you're doing okay.

Velva said...

Thoughts and prayers are with you. We will be here when you return.


Sprigs of Rosemary said...

I wish I could see your writing performed! (And I, too, want to make you some soup and give you a hug.)

Jill Colonna said...

Claudia, sincere thoughts and hugs are with you. Glad to see you back and that it goes without saying, your play was obviously a huge hit. Like Rosemary, I'd love to see your performances. You must be feeling so emotional right now and no wonder! Sincere condolences and congratulations on such a talent you have.