So I crave - simple. In season, a touch of sweet and warm. Baked apples. The Italians dress them with just a smidgen of honey, nuts and raisins. Italians certainly do know how to make sure their fruit shines! Enjoy!

Core apples. Peel them halfway down (you can peel them all - but I like the peel to cradle the filling. In a small bowl mix (amount vary to your taste) 1/2 cup chopped nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts or pecans), 2-4 oz raisins, 2-4 T honey and 1 t cinnamon. Stir till combined. Fill cavities of apples. Bake at 350 degrees F for about 20-30 minutes (till brown). The inside of the apples turns into a sweet-tart autumns applesauce.
The aroma makes working with missing actors and confused activities directors a breeze! Serve warm - with a little cream if you like...

I woke up Saturday morning to something else to savor. Sam from My Carolina Kitchen. Her blog is as delicious as she is. While her focus is on food, she covers events, travel and drops enticing tidbits about the lives that she leads. Head over to her kitchen and be prepared to be enchanted.
I know many of you prefer to be "award-free," so if I err - be kind. I never think of these awards as being exclusive. There is no competition or voting and I feel the bloggers share these graces around.
Here are the rules as they were presented to me from Sam:

Here are the rules as they were presented to me from Sam:
- Post the Honest Scrap award on your blog. Present this award to seven others whose blogs you find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged you.
- Tell those seven people they've been awarded HONEST SCRAP and inform them of these guidelines and ask that they link back to you.
- Share "Ten Honest Things" about yourself.
- Tell those seven people they've been awarded HONEST SCRAP and inform them of these guidelines and ask that they link back to you.
- Share "Ten Honest Things" about yourself.
Since I do not want this to be too much about me: I am a night person who writes better in the morning. I live with a lot of fur! I wish someone would pay me for worrying. Pasta and cannolis=magic. I grew up surrounded by Gresios but the Scottish and Russian/Austrians relatives were pretty amazing, too. There are things that I hoped would happen, never did happen and I am fine with that. There are things I never thought would happen that did happen and I am blessed by that. I am rediscovering poetry. I can watch a bird for hours. I wish I knew then....
I would like to share this with:
Bunny at Bunny's Warm Oven (I just made her delicious chicken)
Ruth at I Love Flavour, Me! whose tales are as delicious as her food
Velva at Tomatoes on the Vine whose food has a natural grace
Miranda at My Food and Live Encounters who delivers mouth-watering recipes
Natasha at Five Star Foodie for constant inspiration
Janet at Meatless Mama for making me crave my vegetables
Congrats on your award!! And those apples....awesome! I can smell them from here :)
That was so nice of you to acknowledge my blog! This really makes my day. Thank you! I am such a newbie at blogging and this is really special.
oh thanks so much love awards will leave a friendship award for you on my blog later, great apples by the way Rebecca
Baked apples look so good! Thank you so much for sharing this sweet award with me!
Simplicity, thy name is baked apple! That is definitely a taste of fall, Claudia.
And good luck with the teen play; I'm sure you will "betwixt" them!
What an absolutely delicious way to enjoy apples! Congrats on your award! I love the name of your play - betwixt and betweened!
CONGRATS and THANK YOU SO MUCH for thinking of me!!!!
The baked apples look wonderful. I love anything apple.
Goodluck on your play!!!
Thank you!
Hi Claudia...Good luck with the play, hope everything goes well.
It wouldn't be Autumn without baked apples,sometimes I use dried cranberies instead of raisins!
Congrats on your award! I loved the things you wrote about yourself. I would be a wealthy woman if I was paid for all the worrying I did!! I've been wondering if anyone was going to bake apples this fall. I'm going to try this recipe. Can you believe that I've never had a baked apple before?
Claudia those apples must smell divine! The best medicine for stress is eating something least that is my
Congrats on your award and the nice blogs you gave it to.
I hope you have a great time when you come to NYC next year. It will be fun for you to see your family and friends and revisit old's fun to play tourist!
Maybe we can meet and have a cup of coffee together somewhere if I'm in town and you have a free hour? Let's see what happens :-)
Those apples look like the perfect ending to an Autumn meal!
I haven't made a baked apple in years, I love the warm cream, sounds so good. I also love Stuart Little, I watched it a million times with my 8yr old GD.
This is the most scrumptious baked apple recipe ever! I forget to bake apple this way for some reason. Thanks for the reminder!
I've always thought that the Honest Scrap award looked pretty nifty.
I love Stuart Little. :0)
Oh those apples sound fantastic, Id be a cream topper.
Congrats on your award, and at my 41 years, I have the same thought, I wish I knew then..
Thankyou so much for the award, you are very sweet to think of me!
Your apples look amazing, I love baked apples.
Good luck with your play, I 'd love to see one of your productions. Your baked apples look like the perfect reward after a hard day's work.
Congrats on your award!
Those apples look delish with that nutty filling and honey...would love one now to go with my mid-morning coffee!
Good luck with the play and conggrats on the award!
Congratulations on your award. It is well-deserved. Your apples look wonderful. Have a great day.
Congrats on your award! The baked apples look like a really great dessert! Hope your plays will turn out great!
Less is always more!!My Dad would always say that!!These apples are just perrrrrfect.
Congrats on the award!
I think Italians DO, do it up! :) Your apples sound and look amazing! Well, except for the raisins, I'm not fond of them.
Happy Friday!
Baked apples with nuts and honey--YUMMY!!
Congratulations on your award. Well done!
Wishing you success on your plays. It would be so fun to see one.
I love baked apples and until I read this post, forgot that its been a while since i had them. Congrats on your award - very much deserved. I have certainly savored the posts that I have read.
Congratulations on your well deserved award! Enjoy! And the baked apples look absolutely delicious. I guess I got to try out this recipe too. Thanks.
break a leg on the play!! and those apples look yummy! congrats on the award!
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