What happens when your play lands in the
Principal's office and you are waiting to see if six months worth of work is going to be produced? And you decide to have a yard sale because the college "stuff" from the kids dormitories has made rooms unusable? And you start teaching theatre to
grades 1-6 and find grades 1-3 exhaust you so you need to nap?

And your son comes home from North Dakota for the weekend salivating for some homemade meals? And then you walk out your door to run errands thinking, "I'll blog tomorrow. I'll visit tomorrow. I'll vacuum - tomorrow." And you step out the door and your ankle twists. You sink to the ground - with the door still open, the blind dog trying to get out, the kitten trying to escape and you watch this technicolor softball develop on the side of your ankle. In slow motion. Well, that was my week. I was awarded the prize for the biggest, most colorful soft tissue in the emergency room.
Frozen pesto is my best friend. Really - the dog could cook dinner - well if she could see. And then there's marvelous
muffaletta. Buy your
favorite kind of bread - Italian,
ciabbata, French, rosemary and olive oil.... dig out some of the white doughy parts (and eat it on the sly). Then fill with o
live salad or chopped olives or both and lettuces. On the other side, fill with roasted red peppers. Douse all with some oil and vinegar. And layer: ham, roast beef,
mortadella, salamis,
prosciutto, provolone, mozzarella,
Parmesan - whatever suits your fancy. Close the sandwich and wrap in foil and
smush it all down. And warm it a bit - so all sticks together. Or put a heavy weight on it (really, a brick will do) and stick it in the fridge until ready to serve.

Serve hot, warm, cold, make extras for leftovers and feel proud that you could do this even if your right ankle is four times bigger than your left ankle. Even if you're having the worst, no-good-horrible day ever. Even if you wake up the next morning with a cold for the first time in two years. To add to your swollen misery. The
muffaletta will see you through.