I started the blog two years ago. The first year it was pretty private. Simply a way of sharing family stories and recipes so my Midwestern children would have a feel for their New Yorker Italian/American mother. One year ago (almost), I went public and met all of you.
In early December I received two awards which I am late in acknowledging. So, I shall share the first award with "old" friends who lifted helped me navigate the blogging world and the second award with "new" friends.
2009 has brought a lot of "slings and arrows." I won't dwell, for everyone has their share of slings and arrows. Cooking and blogging lets me lose myself for awhile and take a respite. So, to all of you - I thank you for being there and providing a safe haven of comfort and delectables.
This is from Rebecca who created Chow and Chatter. I cook from her blog (most recently Columbia-inspired meatloaf) and enjoy her warmth and recipes. Thank-you, Rebecca.
I know some of you have "award-free" blogs and I respect that - so even if you do not pick up the award, I still wanted you to know I valued you.
I have cooked from all the blogs mentioned below - so I hope you will visit them. I guarantee you'll leave smiling.

I would like to share this with:
Donna at My Tasty Treasures, Heather/Dar at Girlichef, Reeni at Cinnamon Spice & Everything Nice, Bunny at Bunny's Warm Oven, Sam from My Carolina Kitchen, Katherine at Smoky Mountain Cafe, Linda at Ciao Chow Linda and Wanda from Moments of Mine
And this came from Gaga in the Kitchen, who like me, doesn't always measure - but manages some heavenly stuff. Her baked brie was a hit in this house last week.

This goes to seven people with seven facts about yourself. I think people know too much about me as it is! So I shall just state that I am an onion - lots of layers, lots of sarcasm, too much cynicism, cannot resist the wisecrack but I think I could be caramelized.
I would like to share this with: Janet from Meatless Mama, Gera at Sweets Foods, Velva at Tomatoes on the Vine, Claudia at What's Cookin' Italian Style Cuisine, Bridgett at La Bella Cook,
Speaking of onions, my caramelized onion tart is ready ..... again, thanks to all of you and onward and upward in 2010! Who knows what we will create? Happy New Year! Felice Anna Nuovo!